About me

Hi! My name is Renato Calcagno, I am an Expat Consultant and a Tour Guide. In other words, I am always helping foreigners, whether they come to Hungary to visit or to live.

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From Panama to Hungary

It all started in 2003, when I left my Motherland, Panama, to work as a waiter in the Caribbean sea. My plan was to save money for an apartment or for a private university and everything was on track, but something unexpected happened. I met a Hungarian woman and I ended up moving to Hungary in 2006 for good. I have lived in Budapest ever since. Throughout that period I have experienced each and every aspect of life as an expat in this country. From immigration procedures (numerous times), having a surgery for my anterior crusade ligament in a public hospital, getting married, feeling culture shocks, navigating through the Hungarian working culture, dealing with neighbours, solving issues at my daughters´ schools and even learning the unique Hungarian language to an advanced level.

From Writer to Self-Employed Expert

With all that experience and because of wanting to write again, in 2016 I started a blog, where I wrote articles and guides for both tourists and expats. Because of the blog people found me, asked me questions, and contacted me with specific situations, so I started helping them in my free time. Throughout the years, advising and assisting tourists and expats alike, I became an Expat Consultant and a Licensed Tour Guide. At the beginning of 2022 I finally had the opportunity to leave my Senior Project Manager career in the corporate world and I am now Self-Employed full time.

My Mission

I understand that not all expats (or tourists) have the same resources: time and money. I myself did not know Hungarian in my first years in Hungary, and it was much harder to solve issues at that time. I myself did not always have the money to pay for an expert or a lawyer. That is why my aim is to provide guidance, information and advice for anybody regardless of budget. All articles and guides in my blog are free of charge. The plans and delivery time and mode for my services are built in a way that are within reach for low, medium or high budget individuals.

Check my services and contact me if you need local expertise!